Will your child be attending secondary school in the Netherlands next school year? Then it is almost time to make a choice. Since this year, all students must register in the week before April 1st: we will help you make a choice.
In brief: what does secondary education in the Netherlands look like?
In the Netherlands, children are subject to compulsory education from the age of 5. They then go to primary school until group 8 (around the age of 12) and after that they choose a new school: secondary school. There, they can choose different types of schools and directions (levels):
- Practical education
- Vmbo: preparatory secondary vocational education
- Havo: higher general secondary education
- Vwo: preparatory scientific education
Which level best suits the pupil is determined on the basis of the school recommendation given by the primary school.
If you come from abroad and your child enters secondary school directly, you will not have a school recommendation from the primary school. The secondary school will then often ask for additional information so that the school can determine the best level for your child to enter. For example: school results from the current school, school results from when you still lived in the Netherlands (if there are any), results about the level of Dutch language skills and often a score on an intelligence test. Read on at the frequently asked questions. Is your question not among them? We are at your service.