
Location assessment

Is your company about to open a new branch? Or is (part of) the company relocating to another country? Whatever the reason for the move, you would like to know what the possibilities and risks are of this location. Edufax screens the new location for educational opportunities for your employees’ children. This is useful if you have never sent an employee with children to this new location, and you would like to avoid unforeseen circumstances where, for example, no schools are available for foreign children.

Location assessment | edufax
Understanding the suitability of a potential new location in terms of education
Clarity on possible educational constraints of a new settlement site
Understanding the potential education costs at the new location
Address employee concerns about training at new location

Reduce the risk of international broadcast failure

A good start is half the battle. By starting with researching the location, which may or may not be known to your company, you prevent employees from not wanting to move there because there are no schools nearby. In doing so, it is important to research multiple scenarios. Not only do you want to know if there are good schools available, but also how these schools react to a pandemic or natural disaster, for example. What is their plan of action in a crisis situation? Edufax will find out for you. That way, you can take it into account, prepare for it and prevent drop-out at a later stage.

Location assessment | edufax

Understanding costs

We take full care of the new site. We assess the international population in the area, the schools available, the types and quality of education. What do families need to organise a smooth transfer to this location? We also make cost projections regarding educational expenses during the deployment. We are also happy to give advice on cost savings!

Location assessment | edufax

A partner who thinks with you

We have been a trusted provider of education mobility services and Dutch education programmes for more than 30 years. We keep all stakeholders involved and consider everyone’s needs. This makes us a reliable supplier and expert in the field of educational mobility. A party with integrity that thinks with you!

Location assessment | edufax

The next step

Do we give the green light after a site assessment? Then you can safely send your employees to this location. We then support them, for example, with our Educational Support Package. In addition, we offer much more support before, during and after the international move. Edufax not only helps to navigate the best schools but also helps with registration and translation of reports. This way, we ensure that the family’s move goes smoothly.

Edufax offers meaningful, challenging work and puts people at the heart of what it does.
Kunal Waghray
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