Edufax can help all kids with learning the Dutch language. Whether they are Dutch or have another nationality. We offer online Dutch classes with qualified teachers. Great for when you’re moving to the Netherlands and very important when Dutch kids move abroad. Read along and find out the endless possibilities that we have to offer.
Dutch courses for Dutch kids
Dutch children living abroad live and breathe a different culture, which often slows or even halts the development of their Dutch language skills. Children living in the Netherlands are continuously exposed to the Dutch language. Gradually they do not only increase their vocabulary and learn about sentence structure, but they also learn expressions they need to function well in society. If you move abroad as a family, the children will mainly have to deal with a different language in daily life. We believe it is beneficial and important for Dutch children abroad to maintain and improve their Dutch reading and writing while learning in English or another local language. And of course, we recognize that every child has their own unique educational path.
Online Dutch course: NTC-online
To improve the proficiency of their mother tongue, we have developed NTC-online. A modern, flexible, online distance-learning Dutch course at primary and secondary school level. Personal, tailored one-on-one guidance from experienced teachers and appealing teaching materials ensure a child can fit the program into its schedule and stays motivated. The online Dutch course can be fully tailored to the needs of your child. This is important to us, the people at Edufax. Because for us, the child always comes first.

Dutch classes at primary school level
If you opt for our distance education at primary school level, our educational mobility consultants and teachers will be happy to think along with you about the ideal learning route for your child. A lot of matters play a role in this. How has your child developed so far? What class was your child placed during your time abroad? What is the educational curriculum like? How long will you stay abroad?
Once we have determined the best route for your child, there are two options. Your child can either learn to read and write at a pace equal to the Dutch curriculum, or we take into consideration what is available at the school abroad. An expert, experienced teacher can provide personal guidance via Skype, whether your child is in group 1 or group 8. After completing group 8, your child can move on to our secondary education level.